29 September 2017

Spoken Word and Slam Poetry in Secondary Schools

Wednesday 11 October
09.00 – 15:00

Lefel 1
St David’s Hall, Cardiff

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A day of practical hands on work with two inspiring practitioners of spoken word and Slam poetry from Literature Wales.

Joelle Taylor (Creative Director of SLAMbassadors) will introduce the artistic aspects of SLAMbassadors; including the history of slam, evidence of the effects of creative projects on overall GCSE attainment and the uses of slam within formal education.

The afternoon session led by Michael Church will offer inspirational engagement techniques for written and oral work.

This day of training is aimed at teachers of keystage 3 groups in particular.

Joelle is an award winning poet, playwright, performer, critic and author with over 16 years’ experience of facilitating masterclasses in schools, colleges and universities across the country. Mike Church gave up his post as a deputy head teacher in 2007 and began working freelance as a writer and performer. Since that time he has written 26 books and delivered over 1,000 workshops for children and young people.

Places on the course are free to book and the network will sponsor your attendance by supporting the cost of supply staff up to £180 per day.

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