21 September 2016

Make it your own – shout about your work, celebrate and share your successes.

Teachers and Artists we want your input

To ensure that our blog and the network in general is useful and relevant to you, we would like you – teachers and artists alike – to send us case studies and examples of best practise. If you have had or are currently hosting / leading an arts project or residency then why not tell us about it. Tell us how it came about, what artform(s) is involved and what the pupils are achieving. You can include images* of the work in progress and remember it can be any artform or artforms.  We are particularly interested to hear about the legacy of your project. What is more if there were issues along the way that had to be resolved then tell us about that too and how you tackled any problems that may have arisen.

Not only will what you tell us help us to map the activity taking place across the area, but we will where possible and appropriate include your submissions in our blog.

Also if you are either a school wanting an art project or an artist available to work in schools then let us know. The blog is also one way that we can help you to make your call out to the arts and schools community in the Central South Wales area. We cannot guarantee to be able to find the perfect match of artist / school for you but hopefully we can help you to get the message out there.


if you are an artist looking to work in schools tell us about your previous work and your your specialty.

If you are a school seeking the input of an artist tell us your needs, the time frame and a little about what you hope the project would achieve.

Whatever you want to share about the arts in education send us the details so we can include it in our blog. You can email us at a2@arts-active-trust.flywheelstaging.com

*If you are sending in media please also provide the signed photograph / video and online consent forms of any body featured. If you have any queries please contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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  1. Wed 22nd May 2024

    Get Moving!

    11:30AM - 12:30 PM
    Eastern Leisure Centre
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Plwg is the place for artists and teachers to find and share great arts education opportunities

plwg.cymru is the all-Wales arts, culture and education matchmaking website to support collaboration between teachers, creatives, arts and cultural organisations.