31 October 2016

Arts trip fund for SchoolsGynllun Mynd a Gweld

School trips to arts event just became a little easier with a dedicated fund from the Arts Council of Wales.

The Arts Council of Wales offers many opportunities to those practising, teaching or developing the Arts within Wales, allowing access to the Arts to keep thriving.

One of those opportunities we would like to make schools aware of is their Go and See Scheme which has been created to ‘fund visits to high-quality arts events’.  For schools wishing to take their students on trips, courses or exhibitions to experience the arts this could make it all the more feasible and affordable.

Schools can apply for up to £1000 any time of the year which really does allow great flexibility in planning your ideal arts trip to take your students on or that perfect course that was just a little bit out of your budget.

Whatever it is that you have in mind for your students, perhaps this scheme could make it possible.Mae Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru yn cynnig cyfleoedd lawer i’r rheini sy’n arfer, yn dysgu neu’n datblygu’r celfyddydau yng Nghymru, gan roi lle i fynediad i’r celfyddydau ddal i ffynnu. Un o’r cyfleoedd hynny y carwn dynnu sylw ysgolion ato ydi ei Gynllun Mynd a Gweld a grewyd ‘i gyllido ymweliadau â digwyddiadau o raen yn y celfyddydau’.  I ysgolion sydd am fynd â’u disgyblion ar deithiau, i gyrsiau neu i arddangosfeydd i flasu’r celfyddydau, gallai hyn ei gwneud yn fwy dichonadwy a fforddiadwy fyth.

Gall ysgolion wneud cais am hyd at £1000 ar unrhyw adeg o’r flwyddyn sy’n rhoi rhwydd hynt i chi gynllunio eich taith gelfyddydau ddelfrydol i fynd â’ch disgyblion ar y cwrs perffaith hwnnw oedd flewyn bach y tu hwnt i’ch cyllideb chi. Beth bynnag sydd gennych mewn golwg i’ch disgyblion, efallai y gallai’r cynllun yma ei wneud yn bosib.

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