31 October 2016

Ffotogallery holds arts & education consultation eventFfotogallery yn cynnal digwyddiad ymgynghori celfyddydau ac addysg

Visual arts organisation Ffotogallery and Penarth Pier Pavilion are inviting teachers, pupils and arts organisations to join them for tea and cake at their Turner House gallery in Penarth for an arts & education event looking at opportunities in the curriculum for creative arts & education activity.

The event will take place on 4.30pm Monday 7 November at Turner House Gallery, Plymouth Road, Penarth CF64 3DH.

The aim of the event is to share ideas, and work towards a successful strategy to support young people in Art and Design, and in using their creative skills across the curriculum.

Mari Bradbury, Head of Art and design at WJEC will lead discussion on how to embed creativity, visual art and creative technology in the classroom. Teachers and pupils from across the subject spectrum are welcome.

Ffotogallery and Penarth Pavilian would love to hear about ideas and opinions about arts & education and creativity in the classroom from learners, educators, arts organisations and artists so if you would like to attend RSVP exhibitions@ffotogallery.org

For more information or if you are unable to attend, please contact us at the email address or weblink below and we’ll feed your comments into the discussion.

Lisa Edgar
Head of Education, Ffotogallery


Bob Gelsthorpe
Exhibitions Co-ordination, Penarth Pier Pavilion

 Mae’r corff celfyddydau gweledol Ffotogallery a Phafiliwn Pier Penarth yn gwahodd athrawon, disgyblion a chyrff yn y celfyddydau i ddod atyn nhw am de a theisen yn eu horiel Ty^ Turner ym Mhenarth i ddigwyddiad celfyddydau ac addysg i fwrw golwg ar gyfleoedd yn y cwricwlwm i weithgaredd celfyddydau ac addysg creadigol.

Bydd y digwyddiad ar fynd am hanner awr wedi pedwar ddydd Llun 7 Tachwedd yn Oriel Ty^ Turner, Heol Plymouth, Penarth CF64 3DH.

Amcan y digwyddiad ydi rhannu syniadau, a gweithio tuag at strategaeth lwyddiannus i gefnogi pobol ifanc mewn Celf a Dylunio, a defnyddio eu sgiliau creadigol ar hyd ac ar led y cwricwlwm.

Mari Bradbury, Pennaeth Celf a Dylunio CBAC fydd yn arwain trafodaeth ar sut i wneud creadigedd, celfyddyd weledol a thechnoleg greadigol yn rhan annatod o’r ystafell ddosbarth.  Mae croeso i athrawon a disgyblion o bob cwr o amrediad y pwnc.

Byddai Ffotogallery a Phafliwn Penarth wrth eu boddau o glywed am syniadau a barn ynghylch celfyddydau ac addysg, a chreadigedd yn yr ystafell ddosbarth gan ddysgwyr, addysgwyr, cyrff yn y celfyddydau ac artistiaid felly os carech ddod anfonwch ateb i exhibitions@ffotogallery.org

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth neu os ydych yn methu dod, cysylltwch â ni yn y cyfeiriad ebost neu’r ddolen gwe isod a phorthwn eich sylwadau i’r drafodaeth.

Lisa Edgar
Pennaeth Addysg, Ffotogallery


Bob Gelsthorpe
Cyd-drefnu Arddangosfeydd, Pafiliwn Pier Penarth

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