Have you ever seen or created a great Arts and Education Opportunity on the A2Connect app and wanted to share it with others? Up until now, that’s been quite difficult because it wasn’t possible for other people to look at an Opportunity unless they had an account and were logged into the app.
But now… ‘ta-dah!’ – social media sharing is now available on the A2: Connect app.
With the click of an icon you can share any opportunity with your networks, or copy the url for a particular opportunity, instantly.
It works with Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn – and you can also click the green button to instantly copy the link and share in other places.
At A2:Connect, we’re all about making your life easier, whether you’re an artist, arts organisation, teacher or education organisation.
Is there anything else that would make it easier for you to connect with artists or teachers? Any ideas you have for improving what we do? We’re all ears – let us know in the comments below.