Welcome to our Transition to Year 7 page as part of our Out of Doors festival. This is a fun and creative way to guide pupils through their Summer and support their journey to secondary school in September.
Thinking Back, Looking Forward
Download your pack here!https://artsactive.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Transition-Pack-yr-6-1.png
Everything is different and a little strange at the moment and the transition from primary school to secondary school is naturally a bit of a nervous time for pupils. With a such a disrupted summer term we know that there is additional stress and worries for those pupils heading to secondary school in September and so we hope to offer some support to this process.
We have created a “passport to year 7” pack which is a freely downloadable and specially designed for year 6 pupils. There will be exercises to help them work through and find solutions to dealing with the feelings and uncertainty they may have. The aim of the pack is to support a sense of self esteem and understanding of one’s strengths. This is intended as a a fun and creative way to guide pupils through their Summer and their journey to secondary school in September.