A2: Connect

A programme of expressive arts professional learning, supporting teachers to deliver Expressive Arts in the Classroom.

This is our programme of work supporting teachers to deliver ‘Expressive Arts’ in the classroom at Primary and Secondary levels. We work with the Central South Consortium Joint Education Service and the Education Achievement Services to deliver professional development training led by artists and expert practitioners to teachers in the South East and Central South Wales regions.

In addition we can offer 

  • Bespoke teacher training sessions and Inset days on expressive arts at primary and secondary level.
  • Collaborative in-school expressive arts projects that offer all learners – pupils and teachers – new and inspiring creative experiences through immersive and learner led projects.

Closely linked to this programme is plwg.cymru, our digital networking site for artists and teachers where they can support each other through shared expertise and skills, network opportunities; creating and collaborating successfully on diverse projects that will enrich, empower and inspire pupils in the classroom. 

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Plwg is the place for artists and teachers to find and share great arts education opportunities

plwg.cymru is the all-Wales arts, culture and education matchmaking website to support collaboration between teachers, creatives, arts and cultural organisations.